Extraction - Expressed.
Scent - Top Note.
Fresh, bright and truly uplifting. The scent is reminiscent of eau-de-cologne and no wonder as this gorgeous essential oil is a principle ingredient.
Warning - Bergamot makes skin more sensitive to sunlight, thereby more prone to burning (though you can buy bergaptene free Bergamot). If you do use Bergamot essential oil on your skin dilute in carrier oil very, very well!
Usage - Inhalation, diffuser, room spray, massage blend.
Main Action on Mind/Body
- Antiseptic
- Antidepressant
- Helps aid digestion
- Soothes cramps
Body - Bergamot has a lovely refreshing scent and cooling, deodorant action makes it a terrific addition to a reviving body splash. Its antispasmodic action makes it really helpful if you suffer from digestive problems. A simple tummy massage with a blend that contains Bergamot will help digestion and also get rid of that uncomfortable feeling. Its antiseptic action also makes it a great oil to soothe oily skin and tackle breakouts on the body.
Blends well with - Cypress, Geranium, Juniper, Lavender, Rosemary.